Saturday, 12 October 2013

Sainiki Vidylaya’s Football team qualified for the State Level:

The football team of Sainiki Vidyalaya qualified for the state level. It won over the teams of Nanded and Osmanabad in the final round of matches competed for the Subrato Mukharji Soccor Championship.
        The championship was held for the students  under 14 and 17 at Nanded on 19th & 20th July, hosted by the District Sports Authority.  The urban teams were from Latur and Nanded… and the teams of Sagroli, Udgir & Nilanga were among the rural participants.  The team of Sainiki Vidyalaya knocked down Sana High school team by 4-2 lead in the final.  The captain Hrishikesh Chillore expressed in his views that the precise planning, regular practice, the professional guidance and efforts of Mirza Baig, the team coach resulted in this magnificent victory. 
          The victorious team was given a very warm and boisterous reception at Sagroli.